SARS IRBA and CIPC Compliance

Date: Sep 10, 2018 - Sep 19, 2018

CPD hours: 4 Hours

Time: 09:00 - 13:00

Event Type: Seminar

Presenter: Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)
CA (SA), Registered Auditor

Every professional must stay informed about changes that affect his/ her work. Accountants, auditors and tax practitioners operate in an environment that is highly regulated with constantly changing regulations and legislation. IRBA, CIPC and SARS regularly make important announcements and notices on legislative amendments, and compliance guides. Technical expert Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA), RA...


Compliance is at the heart of every accounting and auditing practice. The main compliance drivers are SARS, CIPC, IRBA and professional bodies. 

Join us for this series of events to receive an update on the latest developments, rulings, compliance notices, judgments, inspection reports, and administrative notices issued that you need to know to run a compliance-based practice. 

IRBA, CIPC, and SARS regularly make important announcements and notices on legislative amendments and compliance guides. Technical expert Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA), RA will provide a roadmap to compliance. 

Learning objectives 

By the end of this event the participant should understand the administrative compliance issues required of accountants, auditors and tax practitioners with regard to the:

  • Tax Administration Act  and penalties for non-compliance;
  • CIPC's filing deadlines and penalties for non-compliance;
  • CIPC compliance notices;
  • Latest general legislative updates affecting accountants, auditors, bookkeepers and tax practitioners; 
  • IRBA and professional body compliance for practice visits and reviews.

Course content 

The following topics will be covered in detail during the event:

  • Recent compliance and legislative updates affecting accountants, auditors, and tax practitioners:
  • SARS: New rulings, tax cases, interpretation notes, SARS guides and operational issues feedback including;
  • CIPC: Compliance requirements, amendments, operational issues, new notices, business rescue and other matters, including XBRL and CIPC audits; 
  • IRBA: Announcements, newsletters, new guides, amendments and related matters affecting the profession, including:
    • Inspection report;
    • Access to working papers;
    • Practice reviews;
  • Ethics: NOCLAR and reporting irregularities. 
  • Other laws: Updates on other laws POPI, COIDA, Labour. 
  • Practice matters: Some of the issues to be covered include, revised engagement letters, Template for Independent Review Engagements, JSE listing requirements, AGSA audits, access to working papers, medical schemes accounting, engagement letters for non-assurance services, retention of records, and accounting for BEE transactions. 
  • IFRS: Update on recent Exposure Drafts. 

Obtaining your CPD certificate

Attendance of this 4-hour seminar/webinar series will accrue 4 CPD hour for members of a relevant professional body such as ACCA, SAICA, AAT, SAIPA, SAIBA, IAC, CIS, ICBA, LSSA, FPI, and the IBA. The SAAA CPD policy is compliant with IFAC IES7 and is recognised by SAICA, AAT, SAIPA, SAIBA, IAC, CIS and others.

Complete the free online assessment at the end of the event and receive an additional 1 CPD hours.

Who should attend

The following persons will benefit from attending this webinar:

  • Registered auditors, RA(SA).
  • Accountants in Practice: CA(SA), PA(SA), BAP(SA), ACCA, CIMA, IAC, AGA(SA), CIS, ICBA. 
  • Tax practitioners
  • Company secretaries; and 
  • Accounting officers.
  • Practice support staff. 

Additional material 

By attending this webinar you will be provided with:

  • Summarised slide presentation, 
  • Detailed course material and reference documents.  
  • You can ask questions during the webinar via the online portal, and you will also have access to me the presenter via e-mail after the webinar.

Save this event to your Google or Outlook calendar.

Venues & Dates

The following venues and dates are available for this event.

Discounts available

The following discounts are available for this event

SAIT CPD Subscriber: CPD Package Dependent

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