Founded in 1998 the (SA)UEO is a trusted, DEL-registered employers’ organisation with a mandate to provide businesses with representation at business and labour forums - such as the Labour Court, CCMA and bargaining councils, backed by the relevant expert industrial relations (IR), human resources (HR) and labour law expertise.

Over the years, the organisation has however evolved into way more than that - to not only become a safe harbour for its members to anchor at – but also be a go-to place to continuously help you survive the business ebbs and ride the tides. View our corporate video.

Why is it important for Business to join an Employer's Organisation?

Apart from having a strong voice at bargaining council negotiations, there are at least four key reasons why every business in South Africa should be a member of an employers’ organisation.

Representation at labour forums:

  • Firstly, many business leaders are not aware that a lawyer or labour law practitioner is generally not allowed at labour-related proceedings or negotiations at the CCMA or bargaining councils, unless they are official organisers (members) of a DEL-registered employers’ organisation.

Compliance with labour laws:

  • Secondly, members of (SA)UEO constantly receive up-to-date information pertaining to the latest labour legislation that impact their businesses. When one considers the fact that just in 2019, ±74% of referrals to the CCMA were due to non-compliance with our labour laws, this is a factor that cannot be underestimated

Enhanced chances of positive outcomes for disputes:

  • Thirdly, the majority of negative outcomes at labour forums such as the CCMA, are due to proceedings that were not handled correctly, both procedurally and substantially. To this end, the (SA)UEO has ≥200 registered organisers who are strategically positioned nationwide, to offer our members such expert assistance. These organisers comprise a multidisciplinary range of officials who specialise in industrial relations, labour law, and human resources.

Ongoing compliance with an everchanging regulatory landscape:

  • Finally, as a business owner, you have to constantly steer your business ship through an ever-changing environment, which is chancing even faster than ever, whilst avoiding social, economic, political and legal rocks that could literally sink you in an instant.
  • The impact of the latest legislation that deals with the national COVID-19 lockdown stipulations and compliance with the subsequent new occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations on business, is a classic example of that.
  • The (SA)UEO has a dedicated team of researchers and specialists that constantly scan the business environment to identify any new potential issues and collectively design solutions for them


This group membership is available to all SAAA subscribers and their clients at a special, discounted rate, which also provides for an ongoing rewards fee payable to each subscriber, for every one of their own clients they introduce and encourage to take up this membership offer.

Membership Benefits

SAAA Subscriber - monthly fee of R175 (excl. VAT)

SAAA Subscriber clients - monthly fee of R275 (excl. VAT)

The following benefits, which have been made possible through a collaboration between several partners, are included in the membership and are designed to provide a comprehensive, proactive and reactive support mechanism for businesses in terms of their budgets, restructuring initiatives, non-compliance with labour legislation and legal assistance and/or representation, as and when required.

Benefit description Benefits
(SA)UEO Membership Included
CCMA/bargaining council representation Included
General drafting of legal contracts Included
Cover for legal business litigation costs R 50,000 p.a.
CCMA/bargaining council lost case award cover R 12,000 p.a.
Online HR and IR document library and resources Included
HR/IR advice through call centre Included
nvites to industry webinars and articles on HR, IR and related and topical business matters Included
Cover for legal advice and mediation assistance for business R 10,000 p.a.
Access to recommended national network of HR and IR experts Preferred rates for experts who form part of network

For more information on this group membership and the application process, please click here:

SAAA & (SA)UEO Group Membership


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