5 Steps to Launching & Maintaining a successful virtual firm

CPD hours: 0 Hour

Price: Complimentary

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Jason Blumer
Founder and CEO

5 Steps to Launching & Maintaining a successful virtual firm

CPD Hours: 0

Price: Complimentary

Title / Topic

5 Steps to Launching & Maintaining a successful virtual firm

Presenters : Jason Blumer


With most companies working from home at the moment, it’s more important now than ever to make sure your business is lined up for success in a remote working environment.

Join us on 5th May, where Jason Blumer, a virtual firm expert will be walking us through his ‘5 Steps to Launching & Maintaining a Successful Virtual Firm’. We’ll cover:

  • The proactive ideal model of a virtual firm - a strategic move that takes a lot of planning 
  • The reactive surprise model - What to do and what not to do to set yourself up for success now and in the future 

Jason Blumer is the CEO of a virtual accounting firm, Blumer CPAs. He is also the Founder of the Thriveal CPA Network, helping entrepreneurial accounting firm owners to connect, learn from each other, and grow.

There will be worksheets for you to download, to make this a truly interactive and useful session.

Don’t miss out on an excellent opportunity to learn how to do things right and turn the remote working environment to your advantage.

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