Accountant's Responsibilities as a Professional Citizen

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R450.00

Video Type: Single


Accountant's Responsibilities as a Professional Citizen

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

Accountant's Responsibilities as a Professional Citizen


Accountancy operates within a context just like any other profession. There is a mindset that associates the career with prosperity and financial stability, and which tends to focus on self - how the personal interests can be served by the profession, rather than what self can do for the profession. 

This webinar seeks to present the case for a world view where accounting professionals give rather than just take from society. It seeks to promote a world view that argues for a more sustainable mindset which focuses on serving by using financial skills to create a better world and, in the process, leave a more enduring legacy centred on protecting the public interest. When there is purpose attached to work, life takes on more meaning, and meaning serves for happier and more fulfilled professionals. 

Learning objectives  

By attending this webinar you will gain the following competencies: 

  • The ability to demonstrate professional behaviour and have a positive impact on one’s profession and the community at large.   

  • Have an understanding of key concepts associated with citizenship such as ethics, the law, regulation, professionalism, rights, and responsibilities.  

  • Appreciate the meaning of good citizenship in general, and why it is something to be aspired to by every professional.  

  • Demonstrate professional behaviour in personal branding and business etiquette. 

  • Have a deeper and more focused commitment to serve the public interest.  


The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Defining the concept of citizenship. 

  • Relevant skills possessed by accountants. 

  • Professional citizenship and the regulatory frameworks. 

  • How can accountants observe both the spirit and the law in how they serve? 

  • Extending beyond commercial to more social compacts. 

  • The changing world view.  

  • The importance of mentorship within the profession.  

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