Accountants' Discussion Forum: You are an Accountable Institution, what does that mean practically?

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R380.00

Video Type: Single


Accountants' Discussion Forum: You are an Accountable Institution, what does that mean practically?

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R380.00

Title / Topic

Accountants' Discussion Forum: You are an Accountable Institution, what does that mean practically?


Our Accountants' Discussion Forum is a live and interactive forum that deals with current issues experienced by accounting professionals. Caryn Maitland CA(SA) and Carmen Westermeyer CA(SA) host this discussion forum during which they interrogate, debate and compare aspects of a topic from two different viewpoints that come from their different areas of specialisation.  

These sessions are held monthly and are intended to provide you with solutions and answers to your current issues. 

Learning objectives and competencies developed 

By attending this discussion forum, you will be: 

  • Informed about the best solutions to resolve current accounting issues. 

  • Competent to resolve current issues experienced in your practice. 

  • Able to guide your staff to assist clients with their accounting issues. 

  • Informed about the available resources to resolve accounting issues. 

Content to be discussed 

The following topics are under discussion for this month: 

  • What is money laundering? 

  • Are you an Accountable Institution? 

  • FICA Registration process. 

  • FICA Risk and Compliance Manual and process. 

  • Who are the Supervisory Bodies and what are their responsibilities? 

  • KYC - Risk assessment of clients and business relationships. 

  • Reporting obligations under FICA. 

  • Directives from FICA. 

  • Sanctions and Enforcement under FICA. 

  • Related Anti-Money Laundering Laws. 

    • The Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (POCA). 

    • Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and Related Activities Act 33 of 2004 (POCDATARA). 

    • Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (PRECCA). 

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