Deepen your client relationships and grow

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R450.00

Video Type: Single


Deepen your client relationships and grow

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

Deepen your client relationships and grow


People are at the centre of economies and markets. Without people there would be no need for an economy or a market and this is the reason why business people need to understand their clients as people. 

Businesses that either fulfil people's needs or solve their problems are the ones that perform the best. Understanding one's business cycle and having a cycle-focused approach to service offerings is the starting point to business success.     

 Learning objectives and competencies developed 

  By attending this webinar you will develop the following competencies:  

  • Innovative thinking - develop new ideas, strategies and plans to improve services or products. 

  • Understanding your business' internal and external environments with a view to capitalise on their needs. 

  • Understanding that people are at the centre of economies and markets.  

  • Have the ability to constantly seek and find new revenue streams. 

  • Know and be able to implement 10 ways to deepen client relationships.  


  The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • The need-focused and problem-focused accountant. 

  • Placing people at the centre of economies and markets. 

  • Placing offerings along the business cycle. 

  • Stretching your service offerings. 

  • The need for constant re-invention. 

  • 10 ways to deepen client relationships. 

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