Enterprise budgets, forecasts and cash flow

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R450.00

Video Type: Single


Enterprise budgets, forecasts and cash flow

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

Enterprise budgets, forecasts and cash flow


Identifying the weaknesses and vulnerable areas within a business allows decision-makers to take control of those aspects that are putting their business at the greatest risk.  Accountants can use their expertise and assist clients to develop innovative solutions to help grow their businesses and achieve long-term results.  

As the business environment evolves and becomes more dynamic with digital transformation, new regulations and a slow recovery from the pandemic, clients are looking to their accountants for guidance with sound business decision-making. This requires an accountant to be an expert in enterprise budgets, forecasts and cash flow analysis.  

Learning objectives  

By attending this webinar you will gain the following competencies: 

  • Understand and be able to clearly distinguish between budgeting, forecasting and cash flow analysis in business.  

  • Make use of budgeting to plan, coordinate and control operations as a means to achieve goal congruence and improved organisational performance.  

  • Use appropriate financial and non-financial performance techniques to aid decision making across all departments of your organisation and your clients'.  

  • Report budgetary and cash flow information to management and clients in a clear and appropriate format that assists in effective decision making.  

  • Expand on your advisory role for your clients and point them in the right direction to have meaningful conversations about their businesses. 


The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Accountants: Going beyond compliance. 

  • Enterprise budgeting: 

    • The role of budgeting. 

    • Budget preparation. 

    • Variance analysis. 

  • Forecasting techniques. 

  • Cash flow analysis. 

  • Dashboard reporting. 

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