Evolving Risks of Money Laundering during COVID-19

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R237.50

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)
CA (SA), Registered Auditor

Evolving Risks of Money Laundering during COVID-19

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R237.50

Title / Topic

Evolving Risks of Money Laundering during COVID-19

Learning objectives    

   By the end of this event the attendee will:   

  • Understand what Professional Accountants should be aware of; 

  • Understand how professional Accountants should respond to the current situation;  

  • Be aware of the contents of IESBA's staff alert; and  

  • Be aware of other relevant resources that are available.   


   The webinar will cover the following topics:   

  • Overview and introduction. 

  • What Professional Accountants should know.  

  • How Professional Accountants should respond 

  • Available resources.  

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