How to Maximise Profits with Streamlined Company Secretarial Services
CPD Hours: 1
Price: Complimentary
Automation is replacing traditional (manual) methods of performing company secretarial functions as is happening elsewhere in our work. This webinar highlights how to increase profits generated by company secretarial services by adopting a retainer-based business model and reducing costs by saving time with InfoDocs company secretarial software.
By attending this webinar you will gain the following competencies:
Understand the challenges of traditional company secretarial services.
Gain an understanding of ways to streamline your company secretarial services.
Discover cost-effective ways to structure the pricing of company secretarial services.
Appreciate software developments taking place in company secretarial and related services.
Be able to incorporate the latest company secretarial software in your firm for profit maximisation.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
A look at traditional company secretarial services.
Challenges of traditional company secretary services.
Pricing secretarial services with the accounting firms business model.
Incorporating the latest software.