Immigration Accounting under the current ISRS 4400 - Webinar on demand
CPD Hours: 2
Price: R237.50
By the end of this event the participant should:
Understand the requirements of the Immigration Act;
Know the role of qualifying accountants in Business Visa applications;
Understand the requirements of ISRS 4400 on AUP engagements; and
Know how to become a licensed Immigration Accountant.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
Section 15 and Regulation 14 of the Immigration Act No. 13 of 2002;
How to perform an engagement to issue a certificate for Business Visa applications:
Engagement letters;
Engagement procedures;
ISRS 4400 - Objective of an Agreed-Upon Procedure Engagement;
Proposed revision of ISRS 4400.
Code of conduct and quality control.
Partnering with Visa Consultants.
Finding foreign clients.
Other services to provide to successful Business Visa applicants.
2020 Tax Relief Measures during Covid-19: Webinar 5: Consumer Markets - Webinar on demand