Investment Principles and Offshore Diversification

CPD hours: 1 Hour

Price: Complimentary

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Urvesh Desai
Portfolio Manager, Old Mutual Investment Group
Presenter: Wayne Sorour
Head, Old Mutual International - Sales and Distribution

Investment Principles and Offshore Diversification

CPD Hours: 1

Price: Complimentary

Title / Topic

Investment Principles and Offshore Diversification

Presenters : Urvesh Desai , Wayne Sorour


A well-diversified investment portfolio consists of a blend of asset classes. Through an understanding of long-term asset class returns we are able to blend assets in order to give investors the best probability of achieving their long term return objectives.  

In this webinar the presenters discuss how investors can achieve their investment objectives. The presenters will also look at offshore investment opportunities, structures and pitfalls. 

Learning objectives  

By the end of this event the participant should: 

  • Understand investment principles; 

  • Understand long term asset class return expectations; 

  • Understand why a diversified portfolio makes sense for investors; 

  • Understand the difference between asset swap funds and foreign currency denominated funds; and 

  • Understand investment opportunities, structures, and pitfalls. 


  By the end of this event the participant should: 

  • Investment principles. 

  • Long-term asset class return expectations. 

  • Investment portfolio diversification. 

  • Why diversify? 

  • Asset swap funds vs foreign currency denominated funds. 

  • Opportunities, structures, and pitfalls. 

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