Company Secretarial Duties

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R450.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Caryn Maitland CA(SA)
Owner, Maitland & Associates

Company Secretarial Duties

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

Company Secretarial Duties

Presenters : Caryn Maitland CA(SA)


"Culture eats strategy for breakfast!" What does this quote have to do with company secretarial duties? Whenever corporate scandals, shady dealings and accounting irregularities surface, blame is usually assigned to the highest ranking official, but one has to ask, "What about the company secretary?"  

The role of the company secretary has evolved from that of note-taker at board meetings to gatekeeper in corporate governance. Even the best laid out strategy will amount to nothing if the culture within the organisation is to turn a blind eye to rule-breaking and harmful behaviour.   

Learning objectives  

By attending this webinar you will gain the following competencies: 

  • Sound knowledge of the compliance obligations imposed on directors and company secretaries by the Companies Act. 

  • Examine the consequences of non-compliance of the Companies Act. 

  • Identify the mandatory CIPC Compliance requirements, as well as the practical implications of these requirements for companies. 

  • Assess the impact that the Companies Act Amendment Bill will have on secretarial duties. 

  • Review your responsibilities under the Close Corporation Act. 


The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Compliance requirements under the Companies Act. 

  • Status of the Companies Act Amendment Bill. 

  • Secretarial issues raised by CIPC Notices. 

  • The Close Corporations Act. 

  • Practical measures to assist in ensuring that the relevant parties are meeting their responsibilities. 

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