Empowering Your SME Clients: A Funding Readiness Workshop for Accountants

CPD hours: 0 Hour

Price: Complimentary

Video Type: Single


Empowering Your SME Clients: A Funding Readiness Workshop for Accountants

CPD Hours: 0

Price: Complimentary

Title / Topic

Empowering Your SME Clients: A Funding Readiness Workshop for Accountants


Following a 0.4% increase in GDP reported for the first quarter of 2023, Stats SA has revealed a 0.6% increase in the second quarter of 2023. This is a welcome trend that has steered the country away from a technical recession.  

One way of maintaining this positive trend is to support and encourage the growth of SMMEs which usually find themselves restricted from expansion due to the lack of capital. Funding is fortunately available from both private and governmental institutions. The aim of this webinar is to empower accountants with the knowledge and strategies necessary to provide SME clients with a comprehensive grasp of the funding landscape.  

Join Thandeka Dludla as she prepares you on how to adeptly identify, prepare for, and leverage available funding opportunities for your SME clients. 

Learning objectives  

By attending this webinar you will gain the following competencies: 

  • Become your SME clients' outsourced CFO, allowing you to distinguish your current services and provide a more comprehensive range of offerings. 

  • Acquire an in-depth understanding of the funding ecosystem and the specific mandates of funders for SMEs. 

  • Enable SME clients to identify growth opportunities for their businesses through interactive workshops. 

  • Assist SME clients in determining the most suitable form of funding for their businesses. 

  • Equip SME clients with the knowledge needed to apply for funding, as well as guidance on preparing and submitting the required documents. 


The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Asset Finance - Finance for the purchase of assets.   

  • Invoice Financing - Finance for early settlement of invoices.  

  • Business/Term Loans - General business finance for working capital.  

  • Trade Finance - Finance to enable trade transactions.  

  • Overdraft - An extended credit facility for short term cash requirements. 

  • Supply Chain Finance - Cash provided by discounting invoices.  

  • Rental Finance - Working capital that enables the rental of assets.  

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