Technical Summary: SAICA Visits – What to expect and how to prepare

CPD hours: 0 Hour

Price: R250.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Annelien Feldtmann
CA(SA), MCom, ICR  

Technical Summary: SAICA Visits – What to expect and how to prepare

CPD Hours: 0

Price: R250.00

Title / Topic

Technical Summary: SAICA Visits – What to expect and how to prepare

Presenters : Annelien Feldtmann


SAICA accredits a training office in order to allow the training office to train prospective CAs(SA) and AGAs(SA). The accreditation is valid for a specific period and continued accreditation is dependent on the training office demonstrating that it continues to meet the SAICA accreditation criteria – this is assessed during the re-accreditation visits performed by SAICA.

This webinar provides guidance and clarity to SAICA accredited training offices on how to prepare for as well as what to expect during SAICA visits and what happens with the SAICA report.


By completing this short course, you will:

  • Understand what the purpose is of a SAICA visit;
  • How to prepare for a SAICA visit;
  • What to expect of a SAICA visit;
  • Understand the process flow from scheduling of the visit till the final report; and
  • Have clarity on what should be actioned based upon the visit.


The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Purpose of a SAICA visit
  • How to prepare for a SAICA visit
  • What to expect during a SAICA visit
  • SAICA visit report


The following persons will benefit from attending this webinar:

  • All SAICA members and associates: CA(SA), AGA(SA) and AT(SA).
  • SAICA training officers and administrators.
  • SAICA trainees.
  • SAICA reviewers; evaluators and assessors.
  • All firms that are considering to become and accredited training office.


Annelien Feldtmann CA(SA), Neuro-Coach, previous SAICA Reveiwer

Annelien is a Neuro-Coach and Chartered Accountant (SA) with 21 years of experience in the public and private sector. She is deeply passionate about people development and has been actively involved in various roles to assist individuals to become the professionals they dream to be.

Her roles include the following:

  • She was a SAICA Reviewer and is a registered assessor with in-depth knowledge of the SAICA Competency Framework and learnership requirements. She was a committee member of TRECO and AMS (now TPSC);
  • She was a SAICA Training Officer and later the Senior Manager – Trainee Auditor Scheme who managed the three auditing and accounting learnerships (SAICA; SAIGA and ACCA) within the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) (1 300 learners annually spread across the 9 provinces) and has in-depth knowledge of the practical challenges, roles and responsibilities of employers and trainees; and
  • She is a qualified Executive, Business and Career Neuro-Coach (clients in the USA; UK and South-Africa) and have also provided mentorship to dynamic females in the public sector in the USA as well as Jamaica.

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