Getting POPI Act Compliant Series - Step 10: The latest guidance for Information Officers
CPD Hours: 2
Price: R237.50
This is part of a series
Read more about seriesThe Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 (POPIA), commenced on 1 July 2020, and requires all businesses (including employers) that process personal information, to ensure that the necessary measures are in place to implement, prove and monitor compliance by 30 June 2021.
In this 10th webinar in the series, we will focus on specific aspects that relate to Information Officers, including the latest guidance that was issued by the Information Regulator, as well as the process for registration with the Regulator.
If you have missed our earlier sessions, or would like more information on the remainder of future webinars, please click here <link to website> to see the entire series.
By the end of this event the attendee should:
Know what POPIA requires in relation to Information Officers;
Understand the latest guidance for Information Officers and Deputy Information Officers;
Know the Information Regulator's priorities ahead of the 1st of July 2021 deadline;
Be aware of other recently issued POPIA guidelines.
Have access to a checklist that assists in developing Codes of Conduct.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
POPIA requirements on Information Officers.
Latest guidance on Information Officers and their deputies:
Obligations and liabilities.
Requirements for registration.
Updating details.
Designation and delegation of authority.
Information Regulator's prioritised processes.
Other recently issued guidelines