POPI Act Series

CPD hours: 16 Hours

Price: R3600.00

Video Type: Series


POPI Act Series

CPD Hours: 16

Price: R3600.00

Title / Topic

POPI Act Series


The much-anticipated POPIA (Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013), commenced on 1 July 2020, and requires all businesses (including employers) that process personal information, to ensure that the necessary measures are in place to implement, prove and monitor compliance by 30 June 2021.

This is a very daunting task which necessitates in-depth knowledge of this very complicated Act as well as detailed customisation for your business. Which is why we have a POPIA expert available for consultation - should you wish to outsource some functions like so many other South African businesses.

In this webinar series, we aim to equip you with the knowledge of what you need to do to become POPIA compliant within the next 10 months. We provide a POPIA Compliance Checklist to you free of charge and will address the most important aspects to consider during implementation.

This series is presented by our technical expert Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA) and is structured into bite-sized pieces that are topic related and designed to give an overview and insight into the Act and its day-to-day practical application.

The Presenter:


Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA), RA

Lettie is a Chartered Accountant, Registered Auditor, as well as an Assessor and Moderator. She joined SA Accounting Academy in November 2017 as Head of Technical. As a professional trainer and webinar host, she is able to hold the attention of an audience with her relaxed and humorous presentation style. She has a unique ability to communicate with delegates at their respective levels of knowledge and experience. Over the last 20 years, she has trained thousands of partners, managers, trainee accountants and other professionals.

She is responsible for researching, compiling and presenting our MCLU (Monthly Compliance and Legislation Updates). She was the Professional Development Manager at SAICA for 4 years and in charge of accrediting new training offices and monitoring existing ones (including the moderation of training offices and trainee assessments).

Admission requirements:

Anyone can attend this series. There are no minimum entry requirements.


The series is delivered through the SA Accounting Academy online learning platform. It is presented in easily digestible 2-hour long webinars which take you through a step by step guide to compliance with the POPI Act. 




You must pass the multiple-choice assessment - which is online. The pass mark is 80 percent. Once you have passed the assessment you will receive a certificate for each section.


The course is open enrolment.


POPI Act Compliance Series Topic


Step 1: Completing your checklist during this consultative phase - Nrs 1 and 2

6 August 2020

Step 2: Considerations on the remainder of your checklist - Nrs 3 to 11

3 September 2020

Step 3: Subject Data - What must be in place on premises to physically and digitally protect the data

22 October 2020

Step 4: Subject Data - What must be in place from a back up/disaster recovery perspective

5 November 2020

Step 5: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: COVID-19

3 December 2020

Step 6: Subject Data - Recap of POPIA

25 January 2021

Step 7: Subject Data - 8 Conditions of POPIA Part 1

4 February 2021

Step 8: Subject Data - 8 Conditions of POPIA Part 2

25 February 2021

Step 9: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Residential/gated communities

8 April 2021

Step 10: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Law firms

6 May 2021

Step 11: Wrap-up session - Revisiting concepts requested by delegates

3 June 2021

Step 12: Final evaluation of your POPIA Compliance

24 June 2021


Step 1: Completing your checklist during this consultative phase.

In Step 1 of the series we will deal with the POPI Act Compliance Checklist in detail.  You will receive our FREE POPI Act Compliance Checklist that will function as an action plan to get you fully compliant.

Step 2: Considerations on the remainder of your checklist - 3 to 11.

Our Getting POPI Act Compliant Series is now underway and in this instalment we deal with completion of the remaining steps 3 to 11 of the compliance checklist introduced in the first webinar.

Step 3: Subject Data - What must be in place on premises to physically and digitally protect the data?

In the third instalment we will discuss the easiest way that your data can be compromised as well as the scariest.

Step 4: Subject Data - What must be in place from a back-up/disaster recovery perspective

Disasters are always waiting to happen. Can your business be recreated after a disaster? Join us for a discussion on back-ups and disaster recovery strategies.

Step 5: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: COVID-19.

Let's have a look at what the COVID-19 pandemic did to subject matter data and how this fits into the POPI Act.

Step 6: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Financial sector (patented information)

Is all your personal/confidential data protected? In this webinar we take a look at patented information.

Step 7: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Education sector.

How does the POPI Act affect the education sector? What may and may not happen from kindergarten to university?

Step 8: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Health sector.

The health sector holds huge amounts of personal data. How does the POPI Act affect the health industry - from the pharmacy to the private hospital, all the way up to the Department of Health itself?

Step 9: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Residential/gated communities.

Does the local homeowners' association have any idea what is coming their way? Join us for a discussion on residential/gated communities.

Step 10: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: Law firms.

Regarding document management, is there a system in place to protect printed files? What happens if all the physical documents are gone? Are all your telephonic conversations private?

Step 11: Wrap-up session - revisiting concepts requested by delegates.

Having now gone through 10 information-packed webinars on the POPI Act, is there any area that you need clarity on? Here is the chance for you to ask our POPI Act expert all those questions you have. Join us as we address delegates' queries.

Step 12: Final evaluation of your POPIA compliance.

In this final episode of the series we go through what the series covered and assist you to do a final evaluation of your full compliance to the Act. 

What's Included:

Getting POPIA Compliant Series STEP 1 – The Compliance Checklist

Learning objectives        By the end of this event the attendee should:    Understand the basics of the POPI Act;  Have a high-level overview of what will need to be done over the next 11 months;    Know the steps required to facilitate POPI Act compliance;  Understand how to start using the POPI Act Compliance Checklist, including;  Who the key role players are within and outside your organization; and  The need for a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) Manual.  Be aware of critical issues that need to be addressed urgently regarding;  Data servers;  E-mails; and   Cloud storage.  Content       The webinar will cover the following topics:    Introduction - Basics of the POPI Act.  The next 11 months - What to do?   Steps required to facilitate compliance.  Using the POPI Act Compliance Checklist.   Critical issues to be addressed now!   Access to a POPI Act expert consultant. 

2 Hours | R237.50
Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

Getting POPI Act Compliant Series - Step 2: Considerations on the remainder of your checklist - Nrs 3 to 11

Learning objectives By the end of this event the attendee should: Be familiar with the basics of the POPI Act; Get a quick recap on what was covered in previous instalments. Know how to complete steps 3 to 11 in your POPIA Compliance Che cklist. Be aware of some of the practical and critical issues that your organisation needs to address urgently; and Have access to a POPI Act expert consultant. Content The webinar will cover the following topics: The basics of the POPI Act; A recap. POPIA Compliance Checklist steps: Performing a gap analysis versus the Act. Analyse what and how Personal Information is processed (status quo). Review/draft POPIA compliance policies based on findings. Review your websites & online platforms. Update/create your Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) manual. Implement POPIA compliant Personal Information management processes. Train internal stakeholders on their roles in POPIA compliance. Adopt POPIA compliance as “Business-As-Usual”. Consider Information security Safeguards. Urgent practical and critical issue. Access POPI Act expert consultant.

2 Hours | R237.50
Karabo Lethlaku , Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

POPIA Step 3 & 4 protection and recovery of data

Learning objectives By the end of this event the attendee should: Understand how data is compromised; Understand the related risk of losing data; Understand the need for recovery procedures; Understand how to assess whether a business can be recreated after a disaster; and Identify potential backup and disaster recovery strategies. Content The webinar will cover the following topics: Recap of step 1 and 2 checklist for backup and protection. How is data compromised? Here's how criminals use your data. Related risks of losing data. Disaster struck - What next? Data recovery procedures. Can your business be recreated after a disaster? Formulating backup and disaster recovery strategies.

2 Hours | R237.50
Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

Step 5: Subject Data - Specific industry focus: COVID-19 (POPIA Series)

Learning objectives By the end of this event the attendee should: Be familiar with the basics of the POPIA; Have a recap on what we covered during the previous instalments of the series; Know what specific industries require in terms of personal information for the following subjects: COVID-19 Financial sector (patented information) Education Health sector Residential / Gated communities Law firms Be aware of some of the practical and critical issues that your organisation needs to address urgently; and Have access to a POPIA expert consultant. Content The webinar will cover the following topics: Introduction - Basics of the POPIA. Recap on previous instalments. Personal information requirements of specific industries for the following subjects: COVID-19 Financial sector (patented information) Education Health sector Residential/Gated communities Law firms Practical and critical issues that your organisation needs to address urgently. Access to a POPIA expert consultant.

2 Hours | R237.50
Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

Getting POPI Act Compliant Series - Step 12: Final Readiness Check

Overview Even though the Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 (POPIA) commenced on 1 July 2020, there is still a lot of uncertainty and confusion out there.  The only comfort is that all businesses (including employers) that process personal information, are required to ensure that the necessary measures are in place to implement, prove and monitor compliance by 30 June 2021. In this 12th and final webinar in the series, we focus on checking POPIA readiness to meet the deadline. We present information that can be used to check whether your business or employer is POPIA compliant and is ready to prove it. Learning objectives By the end of this event the attendee should: Be able to check POPIA readiness by the deadline date of 1 July 2021. Understand the most important aspects of the Act. Understand the POPIA Compliance Checklist and have answers to questions that stood out in previous sessions. Understand how to be best prepared for a compliance audit by the Regulator. Have access to our POPIA data specialists. Content The webinar will cover the following topics: Checking readiness.  POPIA - A recap on most important aspects of the Act. Review of the POPIA Compliance Checklist. Q&As revisited. Sending information to clients for completion and return. Using digital signatures. Regulator compliance audit - How to be prepared. Other Issues submitted by delegates for discussion. Access to POPIA data specialists.

2 Hours | R237.50
Karabo Lethlaku , Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

Getting POPI Act Compliant Series - Step 11: How to solve POPIA challenges facing financial practice

Overview       The Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 (POPIA), commenced on 1 July 2020, and requires all businesses (including employers) that process personal information, to ensure that the necessary measures are in place to implement, prove and monitor compliance by 30 June 2021.  In this 11th webinar in the series, we will focus on some specific financial industry challenges and pitfalls, by working through some case studies that focus on accounting/financial services for example estates and so on.   If you have missed our earlier sessions, or would like more information on the remainder of future webinars, please click here <link to website> to see the entire series. .   Learning objectives        By the end of this event the attendee should:    Understand some of the pitfalls specifically applicable to financial practices;  Be aware of some case studies that focus on accounting services/financial services;  Be aware of some of the FAQs relating to POPIA;  Know how to manage potential regulatory contradictions between POPIA and industry regulations; and  Have access to our POPIA data specialists.  Content       The webinar will cover the following topics:    Pitfalls in the financial services space.  Case studies.  POPIA FAQs.  Contradictions with industry regulations.  Managing contradictions/confusion.  Access to POPIA data specialists. 

2 Hours | R237.50
Karabo Lethlaku , Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

Getting POPI Act Compliant Series - Step 10: The latest guidance for Information Officers

Overview      The Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 (POPIA), commenced on 1 July 2020, and requires all businesses (including employers) that process personal information, to ensure that the necessary measures are in place to implement, prove and monitor compliance by 30 June 2021.  In this 10th webinar in the series, we will focus on specific aspects that relate to Information Officers, including the latest guidance that was issued by the Information Regulator, as well as the process for registration with the Regulator.  If you have missed our earlier sessions, or would like more information on the remainder of future webinars, please click here <link to website> to see the entire series.  Learning objectives        By the end of this event the attendee should:    Know what POPIA requires in relation to Information Officers;  Understand the latest guidance for Information Officers and Deputy Information Officers;  Know the Information Regulator's priorities ahead of the 1st of July 2021 deadline;  Be aware of other recently issued POPIA guidelines.   Have access to a checklist that assists in developing Codes of Conduct.  Content       The webinar will cover the following topics:    POPIA requirements on Information Officers.  Latest guidance on Information Officers and their deputies:  Obligations and liabilities.  Requirements for registration.  Updating details.  Designation and delegation of authority.  Information Regulator's prioritised processes.  Other recently issued guidelines 

2 Hours | R237.50
Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

8 Conditions of POPIA Part 1

Learning objectives        By the end of this event the attendee should:    Be able to identify who is accountable and how to provide evidence of their accountability;  Be able to assess whether he or she is collecting client information lawfully;  Know how to ensure that they are processing only the data needed; and  Be able to assess whether they you are using information collected for other purposes, e.g. sending newsletters.  Content       The webinar will cover the following topics:    Who is accountable?  How do you provide evidence of your accountability?  Are you collecting client information lawfully?  Are you processing ONLY the data you need?  Are you using information collected for other purposes?  Solutions to the above. 

2 Hours | R237.50
Karabo Lethlaku , Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

8 Conditions of POPIA Part 2

Learning objectives        By the end of this event the attendee should:    Be able to assess whether the information you have is still accurate and up to date;  Be able to assess whethe r you are communicating with the data subject about the data you collect;  Be able to assess how you are ensuring the safety of your data / information; and  Be able to assess whether you know your clients' or data subjects' rights.   Content       The webinar will cover the following topics:    Accuracy of the information you hold.  Communication with the data subject.  Ensuring data safety.  Knowing your clients' or data subjects' rights.  Relevant solutions to the above. 

0 Hour | R237.50
Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

Getting POPI Act Compliant Series - Step 6: Recap Session

Learning objectives        By the end of this event the attendee should:    Be familiar with the basics of the POPIA;  Know what we covered during the previous instalments of the series;&nbsp ; Be aware of specific requirements set out in POPIA;  Be able to identify critical issues that attendees may need to address urgently in their organisations; and  Have access to a POPIA expert consultant.  Content       The webinar will cover the following topics:    Introduction - Basics of POPIA.  A recap of previous instalments.  Completing your POPIA Compliance Checklist.  Protection of data.  Back up/ disaster recovery perspective.  Subject Data - Focus on specific industry requirements.  Identification of specific requirements set out in POPIA  A look at the remainder of topics in the series.  

0 Hour | R195.00
Lettie Janse van Vuuren CA(SA)

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