By the end of this event the participant should:
Understand the key differences between IFRS and IFRS for SMEs.
Have working knowledge of IFRS for SMEs.
Understand how to apply the Standard to special circumstances.
Discuss common problems, challenges and considerations.
Identify opportunities to add value to your clients through adopting IFRS for SME's.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
The background and development of IFRS for SMEs;
Scope and objectives of the Standard;
Responsibilities of a compiler vs an assurance provider;
Pervasive principles and elements of financial statements;
Presentation of financial statements and first-time adoption transition;
Accounting for:
PPE, investment properties and intangible assets;
Inventories and biological assets;
Impairment, leases, forex transactions and deferred tax;
Government grants and borrowing costs;
Financial instruments, business combinations and goodwill;
JVs, associates and share-based payments;
Provisions and contingencies;
Employee benefits and related parties;
Revenue and events after reporting date.
Common problems, challenges and considerations.