MAPs Reports WebinarMAP Survey - The Benchmark to Improve Practice Performance
CPD Hours: 1
Price: Complimentary
The accounting profession has experienced major environmental changes and traditional theories of strategy predict that firms need to adapt to their external environment. This requires that firms continually evaluate and re-align their organisational capabilities in order to ensure long-term survival.
The only way that small firms can achieve this is by having access to market data. The SA Accounting Academy’s Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey, now in its third iteration, is the only survey of its kind that provides an in-depth analysis of how small and medium accounting firms are managed in South Africa. This survey’s results provide answers to some of the most pressing questions asked by practitioners:
What is the best method to obtain new clients?
What are the average fees charged for typical services?
What are benchmark staff costs?
Are there technology trends that practice owners need to be aware of?
What are the best client management techniques?
By attending this webinar you will develop the following competencies:
Appreciate the accounting environment and be aware of prevailing client management techniques in use by your peers.
Have factual data that compares practice management in different firms and use this to benchmark own performance.
Adapt to changing practices in the accounting environment in alignment with organisational goals and objectives.
Use this market data to create an innovative, viable solution to sustain your firm's long-term growth and survival.
Ability to make use of the best client management techniques available.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
Objectives of the MAP Survey.
Overview and background to MAP Survey.
Survey methodology.
MAP Survey 2021 Results:
Business operations.
Practice turnover.
Software used.
Billing methods and fees.
Success factors.
Impact of COVID-19.
Future outlook and the need to adapt.
An industry first (Get in on the details of the group membership that SAAA Negotiate with (SA)UEO )