Where IR and Finances Collide (Burning Business Issues)

CPD hours: 1 Hour

Price: Complimentary

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Caryn Maitland CA(SA)
Owner, Maitland & Associates

Where IR and Finances Collide (Burning Business Issues)

CPD Hours: 1

Price: Complimentary

Title / Topic

Where IR and Finances Collide (Burning Business Issues)

Presenters : Caryn Maitland CA(SA)


Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly changed the business world. A lot of businesses have had to shut down while some had to scale down their operations in order to stay afloat. 

As an employer, how do you ensure ethical workforce reduction that will not have you end up at the CCMA? Do you have the right of appearance at CCMA hearings or the Labour Court? 

Enter the South African United Employers Organisation (SAUEO), a Department of Labour registered employer organisation that is expert in HR and IR matters.   

SAUEO was initially formed with the main purpose of being the mouthpiece for SMEs on various platforms. Fast-forward 22 years, SAUEO now has 4500 members of all sizes and types across all sectors of the economy. Some of the benefits enjoyed by SAUEO members include: 

  1. Access to IR and HR experts. 

  2. Access to the right of appearance at labour related hearings. 

  3. Access to an online portal with many HR templates. 

SAAA is presenting this webinar in conjunction with SAUEO to show how accountants and the labour industry can collaborate for the benefit of both parties. Our technical expert Caryn Maitland CA(SA) will have a panel discussion with labour law expert Willian George Jonker on 03 May 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 

Join us for this webinar, the first of its kind, where labour meets accountants for a mutually beneficial collaboration!   

Learning objectives  

By the end of this webinar the participant should: 

  • Have a broad understanding of employer and employee legislation; 

  • Fully understand TERS, including its reconciliation; 

  • Understand staff fraud from a labour and accounting perspective; 

  • Understand how accountants and lawyers can share resources; and  

  • Know how to enjoy SAUEO membership benefits while creating a new revenue stream. 


The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Employer and employee legislation. 

  • TERS - What the accounting professionals have to know. 

  • Reconciliation of TERS. 

  • Retrenchment vs Layoff. 

  • Staff fraud - An accounting and labour perspective. 

  • System errors vs individual neglect. 

  • Payroll vs HR systems. 

  • Accountants and lawyers sharing resources. 

  • How lawyers and accountants can benefit from each other.  

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