Accountants Tech Talk Discussion Forum: Resolving your current issues - December 2022

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R450.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Carmen Westermeyer CA(SA)
Presenter: Caryn Maitland CA(SA)
Owner, Maitland & Associates

Accountants Tech Talk Discussion Forum: Resolving your current issues - December 2022

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R450.00

Title / Topic

Accountants Tech Talk Discussion Forum: Resolving your current issues - December 2022


This Accountants Tech Talk discussion forum is hosted by Caryn Maitland CA(SA) and Carmen Westermeyer CA(SA). This discussion forum is not a traditional webinar or seminar that is developed by presenters, it is a live and interactive forum to deal with current issues experienced by accounting professionals.

When accountants engage with their clients the challenges and issues they encounter are not siloed into strictly tax or accounting issues for example. The issue that is put on the table is often integrated and involves different viewpoints and perspectives to give a full and well-rounded solution to your client.

Decisions are often made with a focus on an area, for example the tax implications, but as the project or agreement is implemented, other areas in accounting, legislation, BEE may trigger or prove problematic.

These sessions are lively sessions that involve presenters with different skills and specialisation that interrogate, debate and compare aspects of a topic. We will look at the topic or issue from every angle and offer insight to the delegates into the pros and cons, challenges and benefits and potential tripwires that exist. We will look at the differences between the accounting treatment, tax implications and legislation that affect the topic under the spotlight.

Two weeks prior to the discussion forum, subscribers will receive a request to submit their current issues or questions. Based on the feedback, the sessions will focus on the common and current issues.

These sessions are held monthly and are intended to provide you with solutions and answers to your current issues.

Learning objectives and competencies developed

By attending this discussion forum, you will be:

  • Informed about the best solutions to resolve current accounting issues.
  • Competent to resolve current issues experienced in your practice.
  • Able to guide your staff to assist clients with their accounting issues.
  • Informed about the available resources to resolve accounting issues.

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