As preparers of financial statements, we need to reflect on the usefulness and purpose of the information we present. Unfortunately we often fall back on habit and fail to question the message our financial statements are sending to the users.
Never has this been more important and impactful than the financials we are drafting for the 2021/2022 financial year, taking into account the effect and consequences COVID-19 has had on business and the risks to investors.
We are presenting this webinar where we would like to take the time to stop and reflect on our role and function as drafters of financial statements (aka compilers) during these uncertain times.
By the end of this webinar the participant should:
Be aware of current trends and attitudes towards disclosure;
Understand risks and responsibilities of the compiler;
Understand compilation per the Companies Act requirements;
Understand the basic principles of presentation and disclosure per IFRS for SME’s; and
Know areas of the financials most impacted by COVID-19 for years ended 2021/2022.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
Disclosure - current trends.
What are the compiler's responsibilities?
Risks involved in compilation.
Compilation and the Companies Act.
IFRS for SMEs principles of presentation and disclosure.
Calculating the public interest score.
COVID-19 impact on 2021/2022 financials.