M & A Companies Act Amendments & Beneficial Ownership Update

CPD hours: 2 Hours

Price: R550.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Carmen Westermeyer CA(SA)
Presenter: Caryn Maitland CA(SA)
Owner, Maitland & Associates

M & A Companies Act Amendments & Beneficial Ownership Update

CPD Hours: 2

Price: R550.00

Title / Topic

M & A Companies Act Amendments & Beneficial Ownership Update


President Ramaphosa recently enacted the First and Second Companies Amendment Bills on July 26, 2024. This essential webinar offers a detailed examination of these significant legislative developments and their far-reaching effects on businesses. 

Beneficial Ownership ushers in a new world of compliance for companies and forms part of how the Companies Act has evolved over the last 18 months. In this session we will also consider the impact that this is having on the new income tax returns required by SARS. 

Learning objectives 

  • Consider what the new amendments are to the Companies Act. 

  • Identify how they differ from the Companies Act before these amendments and the previous iterations of proposed amendments (2018, 2021 and 2023). 

  • Consider the practical implications of the newly signed Act. 

  • Understand the complexities of beneficial ownership as a new compliance area under the evolved Companies Act. 

  • Understand how the new IT3(t)'s and trust tax returns will look at beneficial ownership. 


  • Companies Act Amendment Act, 2024. 

  • Companies Act No 71 2008. 

  • General Laws Amendment Act 2022. 

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