Ethics is knowing the difference between what one has a right to do and what is right to do. BUT first one needs to know one's self first!
Let us take a step back from the technical jargon and issues of ethics and look at the bigger picture. Before we can start understanding our professional and business ethics, it is important to take a pulse check with ourselves and become aware of where we stand as individuals. After all the individual makes up the collective of the profession.
By the end of this webinar the participant should:
Understand what ethics are.
Understand the theories of ethics.
Understand why ethics are important.
Know where ethics come or develop from.
Be able to reflect on his/her own personal ethics.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
What is ethics?
Where do ethics develop from?
The importance of ethics in society.
Theories of ethics.
Ethics vs the law.
Personal ethics - a reflection.