Reporting Engagements 2021

CPD hours: 4 Hours

Price: R287.50

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Jako Liebenberg CA(SA)

Reporting Engagements 2021

CPD Hours: 4

Price: R287.50

Title / Topic

Reporting Engagements 2021

Presenters : Jako Liebenberg CA(SA)


Accountants, Accounting Officers, and Independent Reviewers prepare working papers when they perform a compilation, agreed-upon-procedure, or review engagement.  

These engagements are either required by a statute or the engagements can also be performed as a voluntary engagement for smaller Companies, Close Corporations, Trusts, Schools, Partnerships and Sole Proprietors.  

Join Jako Liebenberg CA(SA), as he provides an overview and practical application of the framework and standards applicable to each engagement type: 

  • ISRS 4410 for assisting clients to prepare financial statements (compilation) 

  • ISRS 4400 for issuing an accounting officer report on the financial statements (agreed-upon-procedure). 

  • ISRE 2400 for issuing an independent review report for qualifying companies or review report for other entities.  

Learning objectives  

By the end of this event the participant should: 

  • Understand the difference between the various engagement standards 

  • Understand the common law, contract law and statutory law obligations when performing an engagement. 

  • Understand independence as it relates to each type of engagement and other ethical considerations.  

  • Be able to accept, perform and complete the different type of engagements. 



The webinar will cover the following topics:  

  • Independent Review vs Audit vs Agreed-upon-procedure vs Compilation. 

  • Who can perform the different types of engagements 

  • Who regulates the different types of engagements 

  • Calculating the PIS. 

  • The structure of the standards that should be applied and recent amendments.  

  • What the standard requires related to accepting, performing, completing and reporting under each engagement type. 

  • Common law, contract law, statutory law requirements for each engagement type.  

  • Code of conduct and Quality control requirements. 

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