SAICA releases new Training Regulations on an annual basis, and the latest are effective from 1 January 2022!
Everyone involved in the SAICA training programme must have a working knowledge of the latest Training Regulations. New trainees and other relevant role players will be reminded of and made aware of their responsibilities in this regard.
By attending this webinar you will develop the following competencies:
Awareness of key changes to the new 2022 Training Regulations.
Have an understanding of each role-player’s responsibilities in terms of the Training Regulations.
Awareness of amendments and additions that incorporate the new CA2025 training programme.
Have an understanding of the new accreditation criteria.
Have an understanding of what your training office must have to comply with the accreditation criteria.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
Overview and introduction.
Dissection of the SAICA Training Regulations:
Highlights of key changes.
Highlights of each role player's responsibilities.
Accreditation criteria that relate to the Training Regulations.
Identifying your training office's shortcomings and the remedies.