Thriving in business: Lessons learnt along the way
CPD Hours: 1
Price: Complimentary
Entrepreneurship is extensively covered as the key to creating economic value, but what is not often discussed is intrapreneurship i.e. how to create value from INSIDE an established business. Creating value from inside an established business comes with a unique set of challenges - and opportunities.
Established businesses across industries face intense competition from smaller and global competitors, obsolescence in established business models, shifting end-market dynamics, and most often lack the agility to react fast to changing conditions or to capitalise on opportunities.
By the end of this event the participant should:
Understand what entrepreneurship is.
Understand how to create value from within the business.
Understand the entrepreneurial journey from the perspective of a business leader.
This webinar covers the following topics:
What is entrepreneurship?
The entrepreneurial journey .
Intrapreneurship - creating value from within.
Practice Management - Find and retain the best staff for your practice - Studio Recording
Quality Management in Practice - Monitoring and Updating Policies and Procedures