The guidelines for simulations must be implemented for CA2025 going forward.
These guidelines were emailed to all Training Officers/Administrators/Stakeholders by SAICA on 16 May 2023.
The guidelines will be included on SAICA website and changes to the 2024 Training Regulations.
SAICA kindly request training offices to emphasize the consequences of plagiarism during the simulation process, as it can have a detrimental impact on trainees, potentially leading to disciplinary actions that may prolong their training or further sanctions.
Relevance to Auditors, Independent Reviewers & Accountants:
All Registered Training Offices must adhere to the Training Regulations
Everyone involved in the SAICA training programme must have a working knowledge of the latest Training office publications issued by SAICA.
When Simulation is used as an assessment tool on the CA2025 programme, training offices must adhere to these new Simulations Guidelines.
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