SA Accounting Academy News

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Tax News

IESBA: Tax Planning standards Infographic logo

The IESBA has released Strengthening Ethical Behaviour in Tax Planning Infographic as part of their...

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Understanding Recoupment and Capital Gains Tax in South Africa: Calculations, Exclusions, and Tax Implications logo

Learn the key differences between recoupment and capital gains tax in South Africa. Understand how t...

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Solar Energy Tax Credit can be Deducted for Provisional Tax logo

The Provisional Tax Return (IRP6) has been updated with a “Solar energy tax credit” field to enable...

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Draft SARS Guide for Solar Energy Tax Credit logo

SARS has published its new Draft Guide (including explanatory notes) for the Solar Energy Tax Credit...

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2023 Tax Amendment Acts gazetted logo

2023 Tax Amendment Acts gazetted

The 2023 tax amendment Acts were gazetted just before Christmas.

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SARS: Debt Outsourcing FAQs logo

SARS: Debt Outsourcing FAQs

SARS has compiled and published 9 frequently asked questions (FAQs) with answers regarding overdue d...

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CIPC: SARS non-compliance notices logo

CIPC: SARS non-compliance notices

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) has issued a notice to clarify the confusi...

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SARS SMME Connect Newsletter: Edition 6 logo

SARS has published the latest SMME Connect Newsletter (Issue 6) for October 2023, which is now avail...

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SARS: VAT modernisation logo

SARS: VAT modernisation

SARS has published a Discussion Paper on VAT modernisation.

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SARS: Comprehensive Guide to the Income Tax return for Trusts logo

SARS has updated the Comprehensive Guide to the Income Tax return for Trusts with additional informa...

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SARS: Enhancements to Trust Beneficial Ownership information logo

SARS has made some enhancements to the Trust Beneficial Ownership information that must be submitted...

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Tax Ombud publishes a Draft Collection of Taxpayer Rights logo

The Tax Ombud has published a Draft Compendium of Taxpayer Rights, Entitlements and Obligations.

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SARS published Updated FAQs on the deductibility of Home office expenses logo

SARS have updated their FAQs on the deductibility of home office expenses.

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Update on share valuations for Estate Duty logo

The Commissioner must approve the valuation of shares held by the deceased person in unlisted compan...

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SARS warns of new scam logo

SARS warns of new scam

SARS warns the public against a new phishing scam purporting to be from SARS, claiming that an impor...

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Employer Interim Reconciliation 2021 logo

Employer Interim Reconciliation 2021

The Employer Interim Reconciliation Declaration (EMP501) submission period is open until 31 October...

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Newly Updated: SARS Basic Guide to Tax Exemption for PBOs logo

SARS have updated and issued their Basic Guide to Tax Exemption for Public Benefit Organisations (Is...

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Home office expenses: SARS issued draft interpretation note logo

SARS issued an updated draft interpretation note which provides clarity on the deductibility of home...

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2021 SA tax season: SARS announces start dates and details logo

SARS announced that taxpayers will be able to file their tax returns from 1 July 2021, and confirmed...

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COVID-19 and working from home has a profound impact on deductions against travel allowances and fri...

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