IESBA: Using the work of an external expert - Fact Sheet
27 February 2025
Ethics and Professionalism
South African Accounting Academy
The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants® (IESBA®) has published a Fact Sheet on Using the work of an External Expert.
This publication provides an overview of the key aspects of the ethical aspects when using the work of an external expert.
The standards establish a principles-based framework that enables a professional accountant (PA) or sustainability assurance practitioner (SAP) to gain the confidence needed about the competence, capabilities and objectivity of an external expert to use the work of that expert in:
Preparing information
Performing audit or other assurance engagements (including sustainability assurance engagements)
Providing advisory and other services
As part of the framework, the standards also contain comprehensive guidance for the ethical conduct of a PA or SAP when they use the work of an external expert.
Relevance to Auditors, Independent Reviewers & Accountants:
As an accountant, auditor and independent reviewer, you need to comply with International Code of Professional Conduct.
Failure to adhere to the Code may lead to disciplinary action.
Auditors, Independent Reviewers and Accountants should be aware of the latest standards of the International code of ethics for professional accountants, as well as supplementary educational material that have been issued.
This ethics pronouncement will provide a principle-based framework to guide the ethical behaviour of PAIBs, PAPPs and SAPs when using the work of an external expert.
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