Implementing accrual accounting is a significant priority for many public sector and government entities across jurisdictions as it enhances decision-making and improves transparency and accountability. Adopting and implementing accrual accounting standards successfully can be an intricate process involving many stakeholders.
Implementing IPSAS: A Guide for Trainers is the 2024 edition to Train the Trainer: Introduction to IPSAS released in November 2020.
The 2024 edition includes updates to incorporate standards and pronouncements recently issued, including IPSAS 46, Measurement, IPSAS 47, Revenue, IPSAS 48, Transfer Expenses, and IPSAS 43, Leases.
Implementing IPSAS: A Guide for Trainers contains 10 modules separated into topics that can be delivered as individual sessions.
Each module includes a manual for the trainer and an accompanying set of slides which can be customized to suit their specific needs. Some modules also contain supplementary video content.
Click here to download the 10 Modules of the 2024 Guidance:
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