A separate sub-category is included for business rescue practitioners and tax practitioners respectively. The deadline for this is 5 January 2024.
Another reminder that a once-off declaration is required when you are 70 years or older and not professionally active, aligned to the CPD Policy amendments.
SAICA applies the IFAC International Education Standard (IES) 7 for CPD purposes.
Remember that learning and development activities constitute much more than just attending a training session. Some examples include (IES 7.A18):
Educational programmes or training events (in-person, e-learning, seminars, conferences, etc.)
Reflecting on practical experience
On-the-job training, performance feedback, or guidance from a coach or mentor
Becoming a member of professional boards, technical committees, sector activities, information networks, communities of practice, etc.
Writing articles, papers, or books of a technical, professional or academic nature
Researching subject matter, including reading professional literature or journals
Studying for professional examinations
Designing, developing, reviewing, or teaching-learning courses, conferences, seminars, or other educational programmes or training events.
Click here to access the SAICA member portal: https://my.saica.co.za/
Click here for more information on 2023 CPD and on how to access the Member Portal as well as the steps required for completing your declaration:
Relevance to Auditors, Independent Reviewers & Accountants:
Only relevant to SAICA members.
Compliance with SAICA’s CPD policy is a requirement for continued membership.
Relevance to Your Clients: